- class axtreme.qoi.gp_bruteforce.GPBruteForce(env_iterable: Iterable[Tensor], input_transform: InputTransform | None = None, outcome_transform: OutcomeTransform | None = None, posterior_sampler: PosteriorSampler | None = None, *, erd_samples_per_period: int = 1, shared_surrogate_base_samples: bool = False, device: device | None = None, no_grad: bool = True, seed: int | None = None)¶
Estimate the QoI for an extreme response distribution, using a surrogate model.
Uses a full periods of environment samples, and passes each sample through the surrogate.
Overview of the algorithem:
Take n periods of environment data points.
Use the surrogate model to estimate the likely response distribution at each point (the posterior).
Take n_posterior_samples of the posterior, each representing a guess at what the true simulator is.
For each posterior sample:
Simulate the response seen at each data point.
Find the largest response in each period. Each of these is a sample of that posterior’s ERD.
Calculate the QoI based on these ERD samples.
Return the QoIs calculated by each posterior sample.
Uncertainty in the results comes from three sources:
The envirionment samples used.
Uncertainty in the GP and the posterior samples used.
Randomness from sampling the surrogates output distribution.
- Optimisation Notes:
GPBruteForce is not smooth w.r.t to smooth changes in the model (e.g like provided By QoILookAhead).
Provide reference to the file in docs so it renders (sw 2024-11-29).
- __init__(env_iterable: Iterable[Tensor], input_transform: InputTransform | None = None, outcome_transform: OutcomeTransform | None = None, posterior_sampler: PosteriorSampler | None = None, *, erd_samples_per_period: int = 1, shared_surrogate_base_samples: bool = False, device: device | None = None, no_grad: bool = True, seed: int | None = None) None ¶
Initialise the QOI estimator.
- Parameters:
env_iterable –
An iterable that produces the env data to be used. Typically this is a DataLoader.
The iterable contains batches of shape (n_periods, batch_size, d).
Combining all of the batch should produce the shape (n_periods, period_len, d).
This is an iterable because predictions often need to be made in batches for memory reasons.
If your data is small, you can process it all at once by passing [data], where data is a tensor.
input_transform – Transforms that should be applied to the env_samples before being passed to the model.
outcome_transform – Transforms that should be applied to the output of the model before they are used.
posterior_sampler –
The sampler to use to draw samples from the posterior of the GP.
n_posterior_samples is set in the PosteriorSampler.
If env_iterable contains batches, a batch-compatible sampler, such as NormalIndependentSampler, should be chosen.
erd_samples_per_period – Number of ERD samples created from a single period of data. This can reduce the noise of sampling the response drawn from the surrogate’s response distribution (at a point ‘x’).
shared_surrogate_base_samples –
If True, all n_posterior_samples will use the same base samples when sampling the surrogate’s response output. As a result, the posterior samples are responsible for any difference in ERD distribution (e.g., surrogate sampling noise no longer contributes).
Set to False: Better shows overall uncertainty in QoI.
Set to True: Shows only uncertainty caused by GP uncertainty.
device – The device that the model should be run on.
no_grad – Whether to disable gradient tracking for this QOI calculation.
seed – The seed to use for the random number generator. If None, no seed is set.
(env_iterable[, input_transform, ...])Initialise the QOI estimator.
(x)Function that computes the mean of the estimates produced by using self.posterior_sampler.
Returns the erd samples created by each posterior sample.
(params[, n_samples, ...])Create the surrogate model for a given set of input parameters, and sample response of the surrogate.
(x)Function that computes the variance of the estimates produced by using self.posterior_sampler.
- posterior_samples_erd_samples(model: Model) Tensor ¶
Returns the erd samples created by each posterior sample.
__call__ uses these erd sample to create a QoI estimate per posterior.
- Parameters:
model – The GP model to use for the QOI estimation. It should have output dimension 2 which represents the location and scale of a Gumbel distribution.
- Returns:
The erd samples obtained for each function (posterior sample) obtianed from the GP. Shape: (n_posterior_samples, n_periods * erd_samples_per_period)
- Return type:
- static sample_surrogate(params: Tensor, n_samples: int = 1, base_sample_broadcast_dims: list[int] | None = None) Tensor ¶
Create the surrogate model for a given set of input parameters, and sample response of the surrogate.
Typically a GP is used to parameterise the surrogate model at a specific x. The now parameterise model can be run multiple times to get different realisations of the stochastic response.
- Parameters:
params – (*b, p) tensor of parameters. The last dimesion is expected to contain the parameters required to
dimension. (instantiate a single surrogate model. All other dimensions are optional batch)
n_samples – The number of samples to draw from the surrogate model at a single x point.
base_sample_broadcast_dims –
List of indexes in (*b). Base samples will be shared (broadcast) across these dimension of *b. For example:
params.shape is (n_posterior_samples, n_periods, batch_size, n_params).
*b = (n_posterior_samples, n_periods, batch_size)
p = (n_params)
You would like to use the same base samples for each n_posterior_samples, so that any difference in output can be attributed to the difference in the n_params, rather than due to the randomness in the sample generated by the surrogate mode.
By setting base_sample_broadcast_dims=[0] the base samples used would be of shape (1, n_periods, batch_size), which would achieve the desired effect.
- Returns:
tensor of (n_samples, *b) representing the response of the surrogate model.
The base_sample_broadcast_dims behaviour is challenging to describe now that is in this function rather than in context. Alternately base samples could be directly applied like in posterior.rsample_from_base_samples. We have avoid this so complexity is contained here for now.