
Helper function for plotting DoE behaviour.


plot_qoi_estimates(results[, ax, q, ...])

Plots how the QoI estimates changes over DoE process.

axtreme.plotting.doe.plot_qoi_estimates(results: ndarray[tuple[int, int], dtype[float64]], ax: None | Axes = None, q: tuple[float, ...] = (0.1, 0.5, 0.9), points_between_ests: int = 1, name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Axes

Plots how the QoI estimates changes over DoE process.

  • results

    shape (n_doe_rounds, n_qoi_estimates).

    • n_doe_rounds: The number of DoE rounds in which a QoI estimate was produced.

    • n_qoi_estimates: the number of estimates produced by a single run of the QoI estimator.

  • ax – ax to add the plots to. If not provided, one will be created.

  • q – the quantiles that should be used/reported.

  • points_between_ests – This should be used if multplie DoE iterations are used between qoi estimates (e.g if the estimate is expensive). It adjusts the scale of the x axis.

  • name – optional name that should be added to the legend information for this plot

  • kwargs – kwargs that should be passed to matplotlib. Must be applicable to ax.plot and ax.fill_between


the ax with the plot.

Return type:
