- class mlfmu.api.MlFmuProcess(command: MlFmuCommand, source_folder: Path | None = None, ml_model_file: Path | None = None, interface_file: Path | None = None, fmu_output_folder: Path | None = None)¶
Represents the ML FMU process.
This class encapsulates the functionality to run the ML FMU process in a self-terminated loop. It provides methods to control the execution of the process and manage the number of runs.
- __init__(command: MlFmuCommand, source_folder: Path | None = None, ml_model_file: Path | None = None, interface_file: Path | None = None, fmu_output_folder: Path | None = None) None ¶
Instantiate the MlFmuProcess.
- Parameters:
command (MlFmuCommand) – The command to be executed by the process.
source_folder (Path | None, optional) – The path to the source folder., by default None
ml_model_file (Path | None, optional) – The path to the ML model file., by default None
interface_file (Path | None, optional) – The path to the interface file., by default None
fmu_output_folder (Path | None, optional) – The path to the FMU output folder., by default None
The command to be executed by the process.
The builder object responsible for building the FMU.
- run() None ¶
Run the mlfmu process.
Runs the mlfmu process in a self-terminated loop.
- builder: MlFmuBuilder¶
The builder object responsible for building the FMU.
- command: MlFmuCommand¶
The command to be executed by the process.