- class sim_explorer.json5.Json5(js5: str | os.PathLike[str] | dict[str, Any], *, auto: bool | int = True, comments_eol: tuple[str, ...] = ('//', '#'), comments_ml: tuple[str, ...] = ('/*', "'" * 3, '"' * 3))¶
Work with json5 files (e.g. cases specification and results).
Read Json5 code from file, string or dict, representing the result internally as Python code (dict of dicts,lists,values)
Searching for elements using JsonPath expressions
Some Json manipulation methods
Write Json5 code to file
- Parameters:
js5 (Path,str) – Path to json5 file or json5 string
auto (bool) – Determine whether running to_py automatically
comments_eol (tuple)= ('//', '#') – tuple of end-of-line comment strings which shall be recognised
comments_ml (tuple)= ('/*', "'''") – tuple of multi-line comment strings which shall be recognised. End of comment is always the reversed of the start of comment. Double-quote ml comments are also supported per default
- __init__(js5: str | os.PathLike[str] | dict[str, Any], *, auto: bool | int = True, comments_eol: tuple[str, ...] = ('//', '#'), comments_ml: tuple[str, ...] = ('/*', "'" * 3, '"' * 3)) None ¶
(js5, *[, auto, comments_eol, ...])check_valid_js
(js_py)Check whether the dict js_py is a valid Json dict.
()Evaluate a JsonPath expression on the Json5 code and return the result.
(num)Return the raw json5 line 'num'.
()Translate json5 code 'self.js5' to a python dict and store as self.js_py.
(spath, data)Append data to the js_py dict at the path pointed to by keys.
([file, pretty_print])Write a Json(5) tree to string or file.
- static check_valid_js(js_py: dict[str, Any] | Any) bool ¶
Check whether the dict js_py is a valid Json dict.
- jspath(path: str, typ: type[_VT], *, error_msg: bool = False) _VT | None ¶
- jspath(path: str, typ: None = None, *, error_msg: bool = False) Any | None
Evaluate a JsonPath expression on the Json5 code and return the result.
Syntax see RFC9535 and jsonpath-ng (used here)
$: root node identifier (Section 2.2)
@: current node identifier (Section 2.3.5) (valid only within filter selectors)
[<selectors>]: child segment (Section 2.5.1): selects zero or more children of a node
.name: shorthand for [‘name’]
.*: shorthand for [*]
..[<selectors>]: descendant segment (Section 2.5.2): selects zero or more descendants of a node
..name: shorthand for ..[‘name’]
..*: shorthand for ..[*]
‘name’: name selector (Section 2.3.1): selects a named child of an object
*: wildcard selector (Section 2.3.2): selects all children of a node
i: (int) index selector (Section 2.3.3): selects an indexed child of an array (from 0)
0:100:5: array slice selector (Section 2.3.4): start:end:step for arrays
?<logical-expr>: filter selector (Section 2.3.5): selects particular children using a logical expression
length(@.foo): function extension (Section 2.4): invokes a function in a filter expression
- Parameters:
path (str) – path expression as string.
typ (type) – optional specification of the expected type to find
errMsg (bool) – specify whether an error should be raised, or None returned (default)
- line(num: int) str ¶
Return the raw json5 line ‘num’.
- Parameters:
num (int) – the line number of the line to retrieve (zero-based). ‘num’ works here like python indexes, starting from 0 and also working with negative numbers!
- to_py() dict[str, Any] ¶
Translate json5 code ‘self.js5’ to a python dict and store as self.js_py.
- update(spath: str, data: dict[str, Any] | list[Any] | Any) None ¶
Append data to the js_py dict at the path pointed to by keys. So far this is a minimum implementation for adding data. Probably this could be done using jysonpath-ng.
- write(file: str | os.PathLike[str] | None = None, *, pretty_print: bool = True) str ¶
Write a Json(5) tree to string or file.
- Parameters:
file (str, Path) – The file name (as string or Path object) or None. If None, a string is returned.
pretty_print (bool) – Denote whether the string/file should be pretty printed (LF,indents).
Returns: The serialized Json(5) object as string. This string is optionally written to file.
- comments¶
- comments_eol: tuple[str, ...]¶
- comments_ml: tuple[str, ...]¶
- js5: str¶
- js_py: dict[str, Any]¶
- lines¶
- pos: int¶