- class str | Path)¶
Global book-keeping of all cases defined for a system model.
Ensure uniqueness of case names
Access to system model information: system model, component models and instantiated component models information
Definition of variable aliases (used throughout the cases)
Definition of cases and their relation (case hierarchy)
- Parameters:
spec (Path) – file name for cases specification
simulator_type (SystemInterface) – Optional possibility to choose system simulator details Default is OSP (libcosimpy), but when only results are read the basic SystemInterface is sufficient.
- __init__(spec: str | Path) None ¶
(name)Find the case 'name' amoung all defined cases.
(component, variables)Identify the case variable (as defined in the spec) from the component instance and fmu variable names.
(key[, err_level])Extract the variable name, definition and explicit variable range, if relevant (multi-valued variables, where only some elements are addressed).
Read the 'variables' main key, which defines self.variables (case variables) as a dictionary.
Get a copy of the start values (as advised by FMU) as dict {case-var : (start-values), }.
([case, level])Show main information and the cases structure as string.
Instantiate all cases defined in the spec.
(name[, dump, run_subs, run_assertions])Initiate case run.
- case_by_name(name: str) Case | None ¶
Find the case ‘name’ amoung all defined cases. Return None if not found.
- Parameters:
name (str) – the case name to find
- Returns:
The case object or None
- case_variable(component: str, variables: str | tuple[str]) tuple[str, tuple[int, ...]] ¶
Identify the case variable (as defined in the spec) from the component instance and fmu variable names.
- disect_variable(key: str, err_level: int = 2) tuple[str, dict[str, Any] | None, list[int]] ¶
Extract the variable name, definition and explicit variable range, if relevant (multi-valued variables, where only some elements are addressed). ToDo: handle multi-dimensional arrays (tables, …).
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key as provided in case spec(, with [range] if provided).
- Returns:
1. The variable name as defined in the ‘variables’ section of the spec
2. The variable definition, which the name refers to
3. A tuple with indices of the variable, i.e. the range
- get_case_variables() dict[str, dict[str, Any]] ¶
Read the ‘variables’ main key, which defines self.variables (case variables) as a dictionary.
- { c_var_name{‘model’: model ID,
‘instances’: tuple of instance names, ‘names’: tuple of variable names, ‘refs’: tuple of ValueReferences ‘type’: python type, ‘causality’: causality (str), ‘variability’: variability (str), ‘initial’: initial (str) ‘start’: tuple of start values}.
Optionally a description of the alias variable may be provided (and added to the dictionary).
- get_starts() dict[str, tuple[int | float | bool | str, ...]] ¶
Get a copy of the start values (as advised by FMU) as dict {case-var : (start-values), }.
- info(case: Case | None = None, level: int = 0) str ¶
Show main information and the cases structure as string.
- read_cases() None ¶
Instantiate all cases defined in the spec. ‘base’ is defined firsts, since the others build on these Return the base case object. The others are linked as sub-cases in their parent cases. The ‘header’ is treated elsewhere.
- run_case(name: str | Case, dump: str | None = '', *, run_subs: bool = False, run_assertions: bool = False) None ¶
Initiate case run. If done from here, the case name can be chosen. If run_subs = True, also the sub-cases are run.
- assertion: Assertion¶
- file: Path¶
- results_print_type¶
- simulator¶
- spec¶
- timefac: float¶
- variables: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]¶