trafficgen.ship_traffic_generator module
Functions to generate traffic situations.
- trafficgen.ship_traffic_generator.generate_traffic_situations(situation_folder: Path, own_ship_file: Path, target_ship_folder: Path, settings_file: Path) List[TrafficSituation] [source]
Generate a set of traffic situations using input files. This is the main function for generating a set of traffic situations using input files specifying number and type of encounter, type of target ships etc.
- Params:
situation_folder: Path to situation folder, files describing the desired situations
own_ship_file: Path to where own ships is found
target_ship_folder: Path to where different type of target ships is found
settings_file: Path to settings file
- Returns:
* traffic_situations (List of generated traffic situations.)
* One situation may consist of one or more encounters.