trafficgen.read_files module

Functions to read the files needed to build one or more traffic situations.

trafficgen.read_files.camel_to_snake(string: str) str[source]

Convert a camel case string to snake case.

trafficgen.read_files.check_input_units(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Check if input unit is specified, if not specified it is set to SI.

trafficgen.read_files.convert_keys_to_snake_case(data: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Convert keys in a nested dictionary from camel case to snake case.

trafficgen.read_files.convert_settings_data_from_maritime_to_si_units(settings: EncounterSettings) EncounterSettings[source]

Convert situation data which is given in maritime units to SI units.

  • own_ship_file: Path to the own_ship_file file

Return type:

* own_ship information

trafficgen.read_files.convert_situation_data_from_maritime_to_si_units(situation: SituationInput) SituationInput[source]

Convert situation data which is given in maritime units to SI units.

  • own_ship_file: Path to the own_ship_file file

Return type:

* own_ship information

trafficgen.read_files.read_encounter_settings_file(settings_file: Path) EncounterSettings[source]

Read encounter settings file.

  • settings_file: Path to the encounter setting file


* encounter_settings

Return type:

Settings for the encounter

trafficgen.read_files.read_generated_situation_files(situation_folder: Path) List[TrafficSituation][source]

Read the generated traffic situation files. Used for testing the trafficgen algorithm.

  • situation_folder: Path to the folder where situation files are found


* situations

Return type:

List of desired traffic situations

trafficgen.read_files.read_own_ship_static_file(own_ship_static_file: Path) ShipStatic[source]

Read own ship static data from file.

  • own_ship_file: Path to the own_ship_static_file file

Return type:

* own_ship static information

trafficgen.read_files.read_situation_files(situation_folder: Path) List[SituationInput][source]

Read traffic situation files.

  • situation_folder: Path to the folder where situation files are found

  • input_units: Specify if the inputs are given in si or maritime units


* situations

Return type:

List of desired traffic situations

trafficgen.read_files.read_target_ship_static_files(target_ship_folder: Path) List[ShipStatic][source]

Read target ship static data files.

  • target_ship_folder: Path to the folder where target ships are found


* target_ships_static

Return type:

List of different target ships with static information