ospCaseBuilder - CLI interface

Builds the OSP-specific configuration files needed to run an OSP (co-)simulation case.

ospCaseBuilder case_dict_file [options [args]]

ospCaseBuilder positional arguments

  • case_dict_file - name of the dict file containing the OSP simulation case configuration. (default: None)

ospCaseBuilder options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --clean - cleans up working directory and deletes any existing ospx files, e.g. modelDescription.xml .fmu .csv etc.

  • -i, --inspect - inspect mode: reads all properties from the FMUs but does not actually create the OSP case files.

  • -g, --graph - creates a dependency graph image using graphviz

  • -q, --quiet - console output will be quiet.

  • -v, --verbose - console output will be verbose.

  • --log LOG - name of log file. If specified, this will activate logging to file. (default: None)

  • --log-level LOG_LEVEL - log level applied to logging to file. (default: WARNING)
