farn - CLI interface

Run the sampling for all layers as configured in farn dict file,generate the corresponding case folder structure andexecute user-defined shell command sets in all case folders.

farn farn_dict_file [options [args]]

farn positional arguments

  • farn_dict_file - name of the dict file containing the farn configuration. (default: None)

farn options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -s, --sample - read farn dict file, run the sampling defined for each layer and save the sampled farn dict file with prefix sampled.

  • -g, --generate - generate the folder structure that spawns all layers and cases defined in farn dict file

  • -e COMMAND, --execute COMMAND - execute the given command set in all case folders. The command set must be defined in the commands section of the applicable layer in farn dict file. (default: None)

  • -b, --batch - Executes the given command set in batch mode, i.e. asynchronously

  • --test - Run only first case and exit. (note: –test is most useful in combination with –execute)

  • -q, --quiet - console output will be quiet.

  • -v, --verbose - console output will be verbose.

  • --log LOG - name of log file. If specified, this will activate logging to file. (default: None)

  • --log-level LOG_LEVEL - log level applied to logging to file. (default: WARNING)
