Source code for trafficgen.types

"""Domain specific data types used in trafficgen."""

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from maritime_schema.types.caga import Initial, Waypoint
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import Field

[docs] def to_camel(string: str) -> str: """Return a camel case formated string from snake case string.""" words = string.split("_") return words[0] + "".join(word.capitalize() for word in words[1:])
[docs] class EncounterType(Enum): """Enumeration of encounter types.""" OVERTAKING_STAND_ON = "overtaking-stand-on" OVERTAKING_GIVE_WAY = "overtaking-give-way" HEAD_ON = "head-on" CROSSING_GIVE_WAY = "crossing-give-way" CROSSING_STAND_ON = "crossing-stand-on" NO_RISK_COLLISION = "noRiskCollision"
[docs] class Encounter(BaseModel): """Data type for an encounter.""" desired_encounter_type: EncounterType beta: Union[List[float], float, None] = None relative_speed: Union[float, None] = None vector_time: Union[float, None] = None
[docs] class Config: """For converting parameters written to file from snake to camel case.""" alias_generator = to_camel populate_by_name = True
[docs] class EncounterClassification(BaseModel): """Data type for the encounter classification.""" theta13_criteria: float theta14_criteria: float theta15_criteria: float theta15: List[float]
[docs] class Config: """For converting parameters written to file from snake to camel case.""" alias_generator = to_camel populate_by_name = True
[docs] class EncounterRelativeSpeed(BaseModel): """Data type for relative speed between two ships in an encounter.""" overtaking_stand_on: List[float] overtaking_give_way: List[float] head_on: List[float] crossing_give_way: List[float] crossing_stand_on: List[float]
[docs] class Config: """For converting parameters written to file from snake to camel case.""" alias_generator = to_camel populate_by_name = True
[docs] class EncounterSettings(BaseModel): """Data type for encounter settings.""" classification: EncounterClassification relative_speed: EncounterRelativeSpeed vector_range: List[float] common_vector: float situation_length: float max_meeting_distance: float evolve_time: float disable_land_check: bool
[docs] class Config: """For converting parameters written to file from snake to camel case.""" alias_generator = to_camel populate_by_name = True
[docs] class OwnShipInitial(BaseModel): """Data type for initial data for the own ship used for generating a situation.""" initial: Initial waypoints: Optional[List[Waypoint]] = Field(None, description="An array of `Waypoint` objects.")
[docs] class SituationInput(BaseModel): """Data type for inputs needed for generating a situations.""" title: str description: str num_situations: int own_ship: OwnShipInitial encounters: List[Encounter]
[docs] class Config: """For converting parameters written to file from snake to camel case.""" alias_generator = to_camel populate_by_name = True