Source code for trafficgen.plot_traffic_situation

# The matplotlib package is unfortunately not fully typed. Hence the following pyright exemption.
# pyright: reportUnknownMemberType=false
"""Functions to prepare and plot traffic situations."""
import math
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from folium import Map, Polygon
from maritime_schema.types.caga import Position, Ship, TargetShip, TrafficSituation
from matplotlib.axes import Axes as Axes
from matplotlib.patches import Circle

from trafficgen.marine_system_simulator import flat2llh, llh2flat
from trafficgen.types import EncounterSettings
from trafficgen.utils import m_2_nm, rad_2_deg

[docs] def calculate_vector_arrow( position: Position, direction: float, vector_length: float, lat_lon0: Position, ) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: """ Calculate the arrow with length vector pointing in the direction of ship course. Params: * position: {latitude}, {longitude} position of the ship [rad] * direction: direction the arrow is pointing [rad] * vector_length: length of vector [m] * lat_lon0: Reference point, latitudinal [rad] and longitudinal [rad] Returns ------- * arrow_points: Polygon points to draw the arrow [deg] """ north_start, east_start, _ = llh2flat( position.latitude, position.longitude, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude ) side_length = vector_length / 10 sides_angle = 25 north_end = north_start + vector_length * np.cos(direction) east_end = east_start + vector_length * np.sin(direction) north_arrow_side_1 = north_end + side_length * np.cos(direction + np.pi - sides_angle) east_arrow_side_1 = east_end + side_length * np.sin(direction + np.pi - sides_angle) north_arrow_side_2 = north_end + side_length * np.cos(direction + np.pi + sides_angle) east_arrow_side_2 = east_end + side_length * np.sin(direction + np.pi + sides_angle) lat_start, lon_start, _ = flat2llh(north_start, east_start, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) lat_end, lon_end, _ = flat2llh(north_end, east_end, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) lat_arrow_side_1, lon_arrow_side_1, _ = flat2llh( north_arrow_side_1, east_arrow_side_1, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude ) lat_arrow_side_2, lon_arrow_side_2, _ = flat2llh( north_arrow_side_2, east_arrow_side_2, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude ) point_1 = (rad_2_deg(lat_start), rad_2_deg(lon_start)) point_2 = (rad_2_deg(lat_end), rad_2_deg(lon_end)) point_3 = (rad_2_deg(lat_arrow_side_1), rad_2_deg(lon_arrow_side_1)) point_4 = (rad_2_deg(lat_arrow_side_2), rad_2_deg(lon_arrow_side_2)) return [point_1, point_2, point_3, point_4, point_2]
[docs] def calculate_ship_outline( position: Position, course: float, lat_lon0: Position, ship_length: float = 100.0, ship_width: float = 15.0, ) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: """ Calculate the outline of the ship pointing in the direction of ship course. Params: * position: {latitude}, {longitude} position of the ship [rad] * course: course of the ship [rad] * lat_lon0: Reference point, latitudinal [rad] and longitudinal [rad] * ship_length: Ship length. If not given, ship length is set to 100 * ship_width: Ship width. If not given, ship width is set to 15 Returns ------- * ship_outline_points: Polygon points to draw the ship [deg] """ north_start, east_start, _ = llh2flat( position.latitude, position.longitude, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude ) # increase size for visualizing ship_length *= 10 ship_width *= 10 north_pos1 = north_start + np.cos(course) * (-ship_length / 2) - np.sin(course) * ship_width / 2 east_pos1 = east_start + np.sin(course) * (-ship_length / 2) + np.cos(course) * ship_width / 2 lat_pos1, lon_pos1, _ = flat2llh(north_pos1, east_pos1, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) north_pos2 = ( north_start + np.cos(course) * (ship_length / 2 - ship_length * 0.1) - np.sin(course) * ship_width / 2 ) east_pos2 = ( east_start + np.sin(course) * (ship_length / 2 - ship_length * 0.1) + np.cos(course) * ship_width / 2 ) lat_pos2, lon_pos2, _ = flat2llh(north_pos2, east_pos2, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) north_pos3 = north_start + np.cos(course) * (ship_length / 2) east_pos3 = east_start + np.sin(course) * (ship_length / 2) lat_pos3, lon_pos3, _ = flat2llh(north_pos3, east_pos3, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) north_pos4 = ( north_start + np.cos(course) * (ship_length / 2 - ship_length * 0.1) - np.sin(course) * (-ship_width / 2) ) east_pos4 = ( east_start + np.sin(course) * (ship_length / 2 - ship_length * 0.1) + np.cos(course) * (-ship_width / 2) ) lat_pos4, lon_pos4, _ = flat2llh(north_pos4, east_pos4, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) north_pos5 = north_start + np.cos(course) * (-ship_length / 2) - np.sin(course) * (-ship_width / 2) east_pos5 = east_start + np.sin(course) * (-ship_length / 2) + np.cos(course) * (-ship_width / 2) lat_pos5, lon_pos5, _ = flat2llh(north_pos5, east_pos5, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude) point_1 = (rad_2_deg(lat_pos1), rad_2_deg(lon_pos1)) point_2 = (rad_2_deg(lat_pos2), rad_2_deg(lon_pos2)) point_3 = (rad_2_deg(lat_pos3), rad_2_deg(lon_pos3)) point_4 = (rad_2_deg(lat_pos4), rad_2_deg(lon_pos4)) point_5 = (rad_2_deg(lat_pos5), rad_2_deg(lon_pos5)) return [point_1, point_2, point_3, point_4, point_5, point_1]
[docs] def plot_specific_traffic_situation( traffic_situations: List[TrafficSituation], situation_number: int, encounter_settings: EncounterSettings, ): """ Plot a specific situation in map. Params: * traffic_situations: Generated traffic situations * situation_number: The specific situation to be plotted """ num_situations = len(traffic_situations) if situation_number > num_situations: print( f"Situation_number specified higher than number of situations available, plotting last situation: {num_situations}" ) situation_number = num_situations situation: TrafficSituation = traffic_situations[situation_number - 1] assert situation.own_ship is not None assert situation.own_ship.initial is not None assert encounter_settings.common_vector is not None lat_lon0 = situation.own_ship.initial.position map_plot = Map(location=(rad_2_deg(lat_lon0.latitude), rad_2_deg(lat_lon0.longitude)), zoom_start=10) map_plot = add_ship_to_map( situation.own_ship, encounter_settings.common_vector, lat_lon0, map_plot, "black", ) target_ships: Union[List[TargetShip], None] = situation.target_ships assert target_ships is not None for target_ship in target_ships: map_plot = add_ship_to_map( target_ship, encounter_settings.common_vector, lat_lon0, map_plot, "red", ) map_plot.show_in_browser()
[docs] def add_ship_to_map( ship: Ship, vector_time: float, lat_lon0: Position, map_plot: Optional[Map], color: str = "black", ) -> Map: """ Add the ship to the map. Params: * ship: Ship information * vector_time: Vector time [sec] * lat_lon0=Reference point, latitudinal [rad] and longitudinal [rad] * map_plot: Instance of Map. If not set, instance is set to None * color: Color of the ship. If not set, color is 'black' Returns ------- * m: Updated instance of Map. """ if map_plot is None: map_plot = Map( location=(rad_2_deg(lat_lon0.latitude), rad_2_deg(lat_lon0.longitude)), zoom_start=10 ) assert ship.initial is not None vector_length = vector_time * ship.initial.sog _ = map_plot.add_child( Polygon( calculate_vector_arrow(ship.initial.position, ship.initial.cog, vector_length, lat_lon0), fill=True, fill_opacity=1, color=color, ) ) _ = map_plot.add_child( Polygon( calculate_ship_outline(ship.initial.position, ship.initial.cog, lat_lon0), fill=True, fill_opacity=1, color=color, ) ) return map_plot
[docs] def plot_traffic_situations( traffic_situations: List[TrafficSituation], col: int, row: int, encounter_settings: EncounterSettings, ): """ Plot the traffic situations in one more figures. Params: * traffic_situations: Traffic situations to be plotted * col: Number of columns in each figure * row: Number of rows in each figure """ max_columns = col max_rows = row num_subplots_pr_plot = max_columns * max_rows small_size = 6 bigger_size = 10 plt.rc("axes", titlesize=small_size) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc("axes", labelsize=small_size) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=small_size) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=small_size) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("figure", titlesize=bigger_size) # fontsize of the figure title # The axes should have the same x/y limits, thus find max value for # north/east position to be used for plotting max_value: float = 0.0 for situation in traffic_situations: assert situation.own_ship is not None assert situation.own_ship.initial is not None lat_lon0 = situation.own_ship.initial.position max_value = find_max_value_for_plot(situation.own_ship, max_value, lat_lon0) assert situation.target_ships is not None for target_ship in situation.target_ships: max_value = find_max_value_for_plot(target_ship, max_value, lat_lon0) plot_number: int = 1 _ = plt.figure(plot_number) for i, situation in enumerate(traffic_situations): if math.floor(i / num_subplots_pr_plot) + 1 > plot_number: plot_number += 1 _ = plt.figure(plot_number) axes: Axes = plt.subplot( max_rows, max_columns, int(1 + i - (plot_number - 1) * num_subplots_pr_plot), xlabel="[nm]", ylabel="[nm]", ) _ = axes.set_title(situation.title) assert situation.own_ship is not None assert situation.own_ship.initial assert encounter_settings.common_vector is not None lat_lon0 = situation.own_ship.initial.position axes = add_ship_to_plot( situation.own_ship, encounter_settings.common_vector, lat_lon0, axes, "black", ) assert situation.target_ships is not None for target_ship in situation.target_ships: axes = add_ship_to_plot( target_ship, encounter_settings.common_vector, lat_lon0, axes, "red", ) axes.set_aspect("equal") _ = plt.xlim(-max_value, max_value) _ = plt.ylim(-max_value, max_value) _ = plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
[docs] def find_max_value_for_plot( ship: Ship, max_value: float, lat_lon0: Position, ) -> float: """ Find the maximum deviation from the Reference point in north and east direction. Params: * ship: Ship information * max_value: maximum deviation in north, east direction * lat_lon0: Reference point, latitudinal [rad] and longitudinal [rad] Returns ------- * max_value: updated maximum deviation in north, east direction """ assert ship.initial is not None north, east, _ = llh2flat( ship.initial.position.latitude, ship.initial.position.longitude, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude, ) max_value = np.max( [ max_value, np.abs(m_2_nm(north)), np.abs(m_2_nm(east)), ] ) return max_value
[docs] def add_ship_to_plot( ship: Ship, vector_time: float, lat_lon0: Position, axes: Optional[Axes], color: str = "black", ): """ Add the ship to the plot. Params: * ship: Ship information * vector_time: Vector time [sec] * axes: Instance of figure axis. If not set, instance is set to None * color: Color of the ship. If not set, color is 'black' """ if axes is None: axes = plt.gca() assert isinstance(axes, Axes) assert ship.initial is not None pos_0_north, pos_0_east, _ = llh2flat( ship.initial.position.latitude, ship.initial.position.longitude, lat_lon0.latitude, lat_lon0.longitude, ) pos_0_north = m_2_nm(pos_0_north) pos_0_east = m_2_nm(pos_0_east) course = ship.initial.cog speed = ship.initial.sog vector_length = m_2_nm(vector_time * speed) _ = axes.arrow( pos_0_east, pos_0_north, vector_length * np.sin(course), vector_length * np.cos(course), edgecolor=color, facecolor=color, width=0.0001, head_length=0.2, head_width=0.2, length_includes_head=True, ) circle = Circle( xy=(pos_0_east, pos_0_north), radius=vector_time / 3000.0, # type: ignore color=color, ) _ = axes.add_patch(circle) return axes