dictParser - CLI interface

Reads a dict file, merges sub-dicts referenced through #include directives, evaluates variables and expressions, and finally saves the parsed dict with prefix ‘parsed’, i.e. parsed.<DICTNAME>.The format of the output file will by default be dictIO native file format, but can optionally be changed to foam, xml or json format.

dictParser dict [options [args]]

dictParser positional arguments

  • dict - name of dict file to be parsed. (default: None)

dictParser options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -I, --ignore-includes - ignore include directives (e.g. #include './SUBDICT'). This suppresses merging of sub-dicts.

  • --mode MODE - 'a' – append to output file if a dict with the same name already exists; 'w' – overwrite output file (default) (default: w)

  • --order - sort the parsed dict.

  • -C, --ignore-comments - supress writing comments into the output file. The header is excepted and will always be written.

  • --scope SCOPE - optionally specify a scope the dict will be reduced to after parsing. 'scope' can be EMPTY, a 'STRING' or a list of strings "[‘STRING1’, ``'STRING2']”`` (default: None)

  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - specify format of the output file. (default: cpp)

  • -q, --quiet - console output will be quiet.

  • -v, --verbose - console output will be verbose.

  • --log LOG - name of log file. If specified, this will activate logging to file. (default: None)

  • --log-level LOG_LEVEL - log level applied to logging to file. (default: WARNING)
