dds-fmu 0.5.1
DDS-FMU communication integration

  • dds-fmu main rationale: Integrate DDS-based software in FMI simulations.
  • Core feature: Incorporates DDS signals in FMI simulations in a simple manner.
  • No need for code compilation: Just 1) decompress the FMU; 2) configure it; 3) zip it back to an FMU.
  • Getting started: Jump to Getting started with the FMU binary.
System overview for DDS-FMU.

OMG DDS [8] is a standard for a data-centric publish and subscribe scheme, which is devised by the Object Management Group (OMG). It defines a set of quality of services (QoS) for data distribution service (DDS). This includes APIs and communication semantics, where real-time publish subscribe (RTPS) [11] is one such protocol that aims to provide interoperability between DDS implementations from different vendors.

Functional mock-up interface (FMI) [7] is a widely used standard that defines containers and interfaces for exchanging dynamical simulation models. As defined by the FMI standard, an FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) is essentially a zip archive that implements the FMI standard for a specific 'system' in form of binaries, code, configuration files, et cetera.

DDS can be used as a communication middleware for components in a software system. These components can consist of graphical user interfaces, hardware instruments, software components, for instance control systems or business logic units. Suppose one such component is a control system module or sensor acquisition module. If the purpose is to use the DDS component together with other FMUs, one needs to somehow translate between the different APIs. One option is to integrate the DDS component directly in an FMU, but this requires access to the software code for proper integration. An alternative, less invasive, approach is to use an adaptation layer that translates between DDS and FMI.

dds-fmu implements the latter approach and is inspired by eProsima's Integration Service [4]. dds-fmu is extensible: the user can create a customised FMU by providing new IDL files and mappings between DDS pub/sub types and FMI inputs/outputs. dds-fmu is configurable: it comes bundled with all necessary tools to generate modelDescription.xml, which is consistent with the custom configuration. dds-fmu customisation has no need for a code compiler and no new binary files are created.

Getting started with the FMU binary

dds-fmu can be downloaded from dds-fmu package repository. The FMU comes with linux64 and win64 binaries. Your system will need: Linux: GLibc >= 2.27, e.g. Ubuntu 18.04 or newer; Windows: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime libraries 2019. These are typically already installed on a development computer. If you prefer to build the binaries yourself, the source code is available at SINTEF's hosted GitLab co-simulation/dds-fmu. The repository README provides build instructions and requirements.


A typical workflow can be summarised with these main steps:

  • Change directory: cd /to/path/with/dds-fmu.fmu
  • Decompress the FMU: unzip dds-fmu.fmu
  • Edit configuration files in resources/config/, see details in Configuration.
  • [ ] Make bundled tool executable (Linux): chmod +x resources/tools/linux64/repacker
  • Create a new FMU: resources/tools/linux64/repacker create -v -o dds-fmu.fmu /to/path/with/

For repacker command line options, see repacker --help.


Preparing the FMU for a customised setup is done by editing configuration files, which are located in the resources folder. The layout of this folder can be seen in the figure below. Typically, a customisation consists of editing three files, which will be elaborated below:

  1. dds-fmu.idl Data type specification with IDL files (Data type specification with IDL).
  2. ddsfmu_mapping.xml DDS-to-FMU mapping (DDS-to-FMU mapping).
  3. dds_profile.xml Fast-DDS XML profiles (Fast-DDS XML profiles).
Folder structure of the resources directory.

Data type specification with IDL

The IDL standard [9] is a descriptive way to define data types and more. We make use of it to define data structures on DDS that we want to integrate with FMU. The basic notation is not unlike regular C++ and in the listing below we provide an example, which cover many use cases.

#pragma once
module idl {
struct Klass {
string str;
@key uint8 ui8;
int32 i32;
int64 i64;
double d_val;
float f_val;
boolean enabled;
MyEnum status;
float my_array [10];
uint32 my_matrix [3][2];
Some example data structures used as DDS types, which can be mapped to signals in FMI.
Definition: dds-fmu.idl:4

Suppose the contents above are added to dds-fmu.idl, the file will be parsed by the FMU, and idl::Klass becomes available as a type.

DDS-to-FMU mapping

The file ddsfmu_mapping.xml contains elements that specify which DDS topics to map to FMU inputs and outputs, see figure below. The topic attribute is a name identifier for a DDS Topic entity. Each topic is associated with a data type, which in our case is defined by our IDL file. Note that FMU outputs are subscribed DDS signals, and FMU inputs are published DDS signals. DDS input = FMU output and DDS output = FMU inputs. The user defines the necessary of FMU inputs and outputs using <fmu_in> and <fmu_out> elements, respectively. See the listing below for an example. For each element of <fmu_in> a DDS DataWriter is created, and likewise, for each <fmu_out> a DDS DataReader. The attribute key_filter of the <fmu_out> node indicates whether the FMU should perform key filtering on the output signals. This is disabled by default, which would result in all data on the topic being processed by the DDS DataReader. If it is enabled, on the other hand, corresponding FMU parameters will be generated in the modelDescription.xml.

`ddsfmu_mapping` XML specification.
<fmu_in topic="ToPublish" type="idl::Klass" />
<fmu_out topic="ToSubscribe" type="idl::Klass" key_filter="true" />

The repacker tool generates the modelDescription.xml based on this mapping. Suppose the unzipped contents with modified configuration files is located in /my/custom/fmu. By running the commands below, the user can inspect the generated /my/custom/fmu/modelDescription.xml.

cd /my/custom/fmu
resources/tools/linux64/repacker generate .

Fast-DDS XML profiles

A user can configure the Fast-DDS to a great extent by means of XML profiles. Central concepts such as domain id, QoS (like durability and reliability), and much more are configured using configuration profiles for various DDS entities. These profiles are loaded by purposefully specifying the profile_name attribute for an element type, see the figure below. The profiles for participant, publisher, and subscriber are attempted loaded by profile_name="dds-fmu-default", with fallback to builtin default QoS. Profiles for topic, data_writer, and data_reader elements are attempted loaded by profile_name="[topic]", where topic is as defined in <fig:ddsfmu>, with fallback to default QoS. This means that the user can specify custom profiles for specific topic, data_reader, and data_writer entities. XML profile documentation for each DDS entity type can be found on Fast-DDS online documentation [3]. The FMU comes with an example dds_profile.xml, which can be edited as needed.

`dds_profile` XML layout, where `n_w` is number of data readers and `n_r` is number of data readers.

Continuing the example from previous sections, it could be necessary to add custom QoS for the data_writer. Then, the dds_profile.xml would contain an element as indicated below.

<data_writer profile_name="ToPublish">

Implementation overview

DDS supports data exchange of user-defined data structures. These are often defined using an interface definition language (IDL), whose grammar is specified by the OMG IDL [9]. What the IDL files defines, can be represented as dynamic types through the XTypes API specification [10]. dds-fmu makes use of this standard through a vendor implementation, namely eProsima xtypes [5]. Moreover, dds-fmu uses eProsima Fast-DDS [2], which implements DDS RTPS. dds-fmu parses IDL files into xtypes DynamicData and, with the help of code taken from [4], converts between xtypes DynamicData and Fast-DDS DynamicData. As a result, dds-fmu supports DDS communication with data types defined in IDL files without the need for code compilation. The xTypes API facilitates access to members of DynamicData in a way that infers the type kind of each member. dds-fmu makes use of this feature to ensure that each member is read or write accessed as the appropriate primitive type, as supported from the FMU side. Since dds-fmu is a co-simulation FMU, the implementation of the API is achieved with the help of cppfmu [6]. Currently, dds-fmu supports FMI 2.0, which means that there are some limitations in terms of mapping from DynamicData member types to FMI types, see table below for an overview of supported data type mapping.

Type kind FMI 2.0 type Comment Type kind Comment
boolean fmiBoolean long double N/A
int8 fmiInteger char16 N/A
uint8 fmiInteger wide char N/A
int16 fmiInteger bitset N/A
uint16 fmiInteger sequence type N/A
int32 fmiInteger wstring N/A
uint32 fmiReal map type N/A
int64 fmiReal Lossy
uint64 fmiReal Lossy
float fmiReal
double fmiReal
string fmiString
char8 fmiString
enumeration fmiInteger

Data structure demultiplexing and model description

An IDL data structure can be complex, with non-primitive types and nested data structures. These members needs to be demultiplexed in a way that allows the scalar variable access interface of FMI 2.0 to read or write member variables. This must be done in a manner that correctly casts to their primitive type. While parsing a requested DynamicData variable, dds-fmu instantiates visitor functions for read and write, with appropriate reference to the DynamicData's primitive type, as well as casting for input and output types. These visitor functions are stored in vectors in such a way that with so-called value references, they can be directly accessed by FMU setters and getters.

dds-fmu comes bundled with an executable command line tool for generating modelDescription.xml. In short: given IDL files, Fast-DDS configuration files, and a DDS-to-FMU mapping specification, the tool automatically generates modelDescription.xml. The output model description creates <ModelVariables> elements with <ScalarVariable> entries, and <ModelStructure> element with <Outputs>. All the <ScalarVariables> entries have attribute variability=discrete when they consist solely of inputs and outputs: causality=input|output. If there are any @key variables, additional entries with causality=parameter and variability=fixed will be created. The generated <ScalarVariable> entries have name attribute based on the FMI standard's structured variable naming convention. The variable name is constructed as name=[pubsub].[topic name].[structured name], where topic name is as prescribed in the DDS-to-FMU mapping specification file, and pubsub is pub for input and sub for output. For @key parameters, they will have naming name=key.sub.[topic name].[structured name].

Configuration of DDS entities and QoS settings

Each instance of dds-fmu only creates a single DDS Participant, DDS Publisher, and DDS Subscriber. As a consequence, the QoS settings for these entities will be the same for all DDS DataReaders and DDS DataWriters in the current FMU instance. However, it is possible to specify QoS for each DataReader and DataWriter. The QoS settings for all mentioned entities are set through Fast-DDS XML profiles. These profiles are documented in the Fast-DDS documentation [3]. This setup may not suit complex use cases. Then, one approach would entail splitting the DDS mapping into multiple FMUs. For details on how to do profile configuration, see Usage.

Data flow

The interaction with DDS reader and writer entities are done in each call to DoStep() on the FMI side. Writing DDS data is done before reading. If the reader QoS is configured to have history greater than one, all data is fetched, but only the latest sample is kept. Effectively, this approach is a sample and hold. See the figure below for a sequence diagram of DoStep().

Sequence of actions in DoStep().

Limitations and caveats

There are some things the user should be aware of to avoid unnecessary troubleshooting. Below we list several points and in some cases suggest workarounds.

  • Lost samples: Only the last read sample is kept. Samples may therefore be lost, decrease step size.
  • Old samples lingers: There is no expiration of sampled data. Frozen signals are not detected.
    • key_filter With key filtering this can become particularly evident.
  • Sending to itself is possible: The data flow is implemented so that write occurs before read; there will be a sample lag.
  • Loss of precision: Some data types cannot easily be represented with available FMI 2.0 types. In such cases, another data type is used, which may lead to loss of precision.
  • Several FMU instances is conditionally possible: Do not use multiple dds-fmu instances in the simulator instance if they are on the same DDS Domain ID. There are workarounds for some simulators. In the case of cosim [12] you can use proxyfmu [1] on additional dds-fmu instances.

Missing features

  • Allow using preprocessor when parsing IDL files (e.g. use #include "file.idl" in the IDL).
  • Sequence types, e.g. std::vector<TYPE>
  • Limited support for IDL annotations.
    • @key partially supported: primitive types, string and enumerations. This excludes directly on structs, or array-like members.
    • @optional and @id is supported by the IDL parser via a patch, but ignored by our implementation
  • FMI 3.0 support


The FMU is licensed under MPL-2.0. Licenses for transitive dependencies are located in the documentation/licenses folder of the FMU. An overview is found at Licenses.