# Glossary ## Key terms - **Extreme Response Distribtuion (ERD):** Distribution of the largest response experienced over a timeframe. e.g distribution of the largest reponse a windturbine will experience in 20 years of operatation. - **period**: A sample of the environment for the timeframe of interest. e.g 20 years worth of samples of the env dist. - `n_periods` The number of these periods. - `period_len`: the number of samples require to create timeframe of interest. - e.g timeframe is 1 year, and env samples are for 1 day, then `period_len=365.25` - **environment distribution (env_dist)**: ## Dimension Notation: The `ax` stack (`ax`, `botorch`, `gpytorch`, `pytorch`) comprises of a number of libraries, each with their own notation. As `axtreme` interacts with differrent parts of this stack, it is useful to know the different conventions. `axtreme` uses `botorch` tensor notation unless otherwise specifiec. ### Botorch tensor notation. key terms that we make use of that we should define: - Dimension convension used by (botorch)[https://botorch.org/api/models.html#botorch.models.gp_regression.SingleTaskGP] - `X`: input data - `batch_shape`: (*b) batch shape. Varying number of dimensions (including 0) - `n`: input points. - `m`: target/output dimensionality - `d`: dimensionality of input points. - Optimisation: - `q`: number of candidate points optimised jointly. - `t`: number of points passed to optimise in parrallel (not optimised jointly) ### - The dimension convension used by gpytorch - (`...`,` b1 x ... x bk`): batch shape - `n`: input points. - `t`: target/output dimensionality - `d`: dimensionality of input points. ## TODO Glossary task to be added Explain how: - Multitask in gpytorch can be used with SingleTaskGP